Download Skype for Mac OS, and Business Ī proper response would be to sending out an email to ALL active accounts and their billing addresses notifying them of all the versions that were being discontinued due to the change. A post on their company blog is vastly different from notifying customers especially corporate customers that their paid service is going to become inaccessible. A few tech news sites picked up on it, but nothing major. My Macbook 2,1 is from June and it tops out at The limiting factors are the firmware bit EFI and the video chip Intel chipset, both of which are unsupported in Skype announced that they would be discontinuing support for older versions of the client back in June. Buy a new Mac and quit your whining, you pansies. No, there is no Windows LIfestyle that requires constant expensive support as the Apple Lifestyle does. If you want to install it, you can go to the regular download page. Needless to say, that's more than useless to us and probably everyone else, and so we can only assume that the reappearance is down to a spectacular level of backlash.
Not just because it doesn't look nice, but because it doesn't play well with any other instances of Skype. We've already said, in our opinion, the UWP app is a car crash.